
bench t-spine mobilization

Technique Tuesday: Progressing the Bench T-Spine Mobilization

The Bench T-Spine Mobilization is one of my favorite mobility/stability drills. It does a little bit of everything: gives a good stretch in the lats and triceps, teaches good anterior core stiffness and grooves a hip hinge pattern. However, it’s not completely obvious how to make the movement more challenging. Look no further. This week’s …

Technique Tuesday: Progressing the Bench T-Spine Mobilization Read More »

5 Strategies to Crush Your Workout if You’re Crunched for Time

I’ve had some bad habits over the years, but perhaps the worst was always telling everyone how busy I was. “How are you?” people would ask. “Good, but I’m SO busy,” I’d respond, my words grasping desperately for sympathy. I’m embarrassed by the way that sounds. And now that I’ve dropped that phrase from my …

5 Strategies to Crush Your Workout if You’re Crunched for Time Read More »

Stack.com – Improve Your Squat Depth with 5 Easy Warm-Up Exercises

Squat depth is a funny thing. When people start lifting, they usually squat high. They don’t know how low they’re supposed to go, or they’re scared if they go too low, they won’t be able to stand back up. Then, once they read or hear that you “must” squat ass-to-grass, squat depth is everything. Like, …

Stack.com – Improve Your Squat Depth with 5 Easy Warm-Up Exercises Read More »

Stack.com – The Ultimate Pitcher’s Warm-Up: 4 Shoulder Exercises with Bands

Pitchers LOVE bands. But do bands love them back? The answer is yes, but only if used correctly. “Arm care” is kind of a funny term when it comes to baseball. What exactly IS arm care? Is it rotator cuff work? What about long toss? Icing after a game? Lifting weights? Truthfully, all those things …

Stack.com – The Ultimate Pitcher’s Warm-Up: 4 Shoulder Exercises with Bands Read More »