Best of 2015: Videos

In the final installment of my Best of 2015 series, I’ll recap the five top-viewed videos of the year. Turns out 2015 was the year of simplicity, which is most definitely a good thing. My writing partnership with MyFitnessPal gave me the opportunity to write for an audience that wants to learn the basics of strength training, so the majority of my videos this past year were exercise tutorials of simple-but-effective movements.


We use a LOT of side bridge variations at Cressey Sports Performance because of the importance of the external obliques for controlling the rib cage and pelvis. I program these a ton for powerlifters and general fitness clients as well since they’re quick to learn and can help improve hip range of motion for squats and deadlifts.


Dead bugs teach you to brace your core while you move your limbs, which is why they’re a staple in almost every warm-up I write. They can be as easy or as hard as you like depending on how hard you exhale. No matter how advanced you are as a lifter, dead bugs serve as a quality reminder of the importance of anterior core stiffness while moving our hips and shoulders.


No matter who you are, a strong backside is pretty darn important. There are plenty of exercises that target the glutes and hamstrings, but none of them are as lower-back-friendly or as easy to learn as the 1-leg hip thrust. You can hit your posterior chain surprisingly well with minimal equipment and weight if you do high reps, get a good squeeze at the top and lower down slowly.


Bike sprints are hands down my favorite method of burning fat at lightning speed. High intensity conditioning will always be the most efficient way to burn fat, and the bike is the lowest-impact way to train as hard as humanly possible. Sure, sprinting and pushing the Prowler work well too, but not everyone is ready to go out and sprint at full tilt on day 1. Almost anyone, however, can push it to the limit on the bike from the get-go.


The kettlebell sumo deadlift is my go-to exercise for teaching people how to hinge their hips properly. In this particular video, I use this deadlift variation as a prerequisite to the kettlebell swing. If you want to start deadlifting but you’re not ready to try the trap bar or a loaded barbell, give this exercise a try.

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