Best of 2016: Videos

The next edition of the Bonvec Strength Best of 2016 series features the most-viewed videos of the year across several platforms.

Technique Tuesday

The Technique Tuesday video series didn’t miss a week in 2016, so we’ve got 52 clips to choose from this year. What originally started as a powerlifting-focused project, it expanded to include more exercises and concepts. Make sure to LIKE Cressey Sports Performance on Facebook so you can see the videos!








The majority of these videos appeared as supplements to articles on MyFitnessPal. While most of them were geared toward fitness beginners, there are plenty of takeaways for people of any experience level.


Instagram is my go-to platform for training highlights, quick exercise demos and a few laughs here and there. Here are five of the most popular posts of the year.

Next Up: Books

The final installment of this year-end series will recap the best books I read in 2016. Check back tomorrow!


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