Mindset Monday: Get To vs. Have To

When you’re faced with a task, a challenge or a situation that involves hard work, do you think…
I HAVE to do this.
I GET to do this.
Many of the daily actions involved in training and high-level performance aren’t what most would consider fun. Unfortunately, many of us let our feelings get in the way of these meaningful actions. But if you make a simple mindset shift and tell yourself that you GET to do these things rather than HAVE to, you’ll increase gratitude, motivation and overall enjoyment of the process. That can make you unstoppable.
Think to yourself:
“I GET to train hard today so I can get stronger.”
“I GET to wake up early and get a jumpstart on the day.”
“I GET to go to class and learn.”
“I GET to prepare my own food and control what I eat.”
Who is more likely to be successful? The person who views everything as an OBLIGATION or OPPORTUNITY? The person who treats hard work as PUNISHMENT or PRIVILEGE?
Flip the switch today and turn your “have to’s” into “get to’s”.

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