If you’re a regular visitor to this site, you know that I put out a ton of free training content. But did you know I also send out even MORE free stuff to my mailing list subscribers? And if you’re a subscriber, I’ve got something extra special for you.

I’ve got a brand-new 12-part Level Up Your Squats video series to help you take your squats to the next level, and it’s FREE when you subscribe to the Bonvec Strength mailing list. Along with top-notch training content delivered to your inbox every week, you’ll get:
- Over 80 minutes of squat video content
- The exact approach we use at Bonvec Strength to teach the squat to lifters of all experience levels
- Our level system to help you choose the right squat variation for your body type, strength level and injury history
- The exact warm-ups and drills we use in our group training sessions to dial in squat technique
Whether you’re a lifter trying to get stronger or a coach who wants to help their lifters improve their squat, I know you’ll love Level Up Your Squats. Click below to sign up today!