Tina Andersen
“There is a place for everyone at Bonvec Strength – whether you’re just starting out or a competitive powerlifter, all skill levels are welcome. The coaches are incredibly knowledgeable and you can tell they care a lot about their clients. The community here is very supportive of each other and makes training fun. 10/10 would recommend.”
Will Crozier
– 1st Place at 2019 ProRaw X (242 lb class)
– 771.6 lb squat
– 451.9 lb bench press
– 854.3 lb deadlift
– 2077.8 lb total in 242 lb class
– Set all-time Australian deadlift and total records
Nadia Moumine
– 2021 and 2023 USAPL Raw Bench National Champion
– 2024 USAPL Raw Nationals Silver Medalist (Women’s 100+kg Open)
– 507.1 lb squat
– 319.6 lb bench press (Massachusetts State Record)
– 429.9 lb deadlift
– 1256.6 total
Dan Breton
– 2023 WRPF Drug Tested National Champion, Men’s 90kg Master 55-59
– 2022 IPL Drug Tested North American Champion, Men’s 90kg Master 55-59
– 474 lb squat (USPA Massachusetts State Record, Men’s 90kg Master 55-59)
– 275.5 lb bench press (WRPF Massachusetts State Record, Men’s 90kg Master 55-59)
– 562.1 lb deadlift (USPA Massachusetts State Record, Men’s 90kg Master 55-59)
– 1306.2 lb total (USPA National Record, Men’s 90kg Master 55-59)
“I have been training with Tony since 2015. As a 40-plus year old, I LOVE being as strong as I can possibly be. With his support, knowledge and encouragement, I am able to move weights that I never imagined I would be able to. While hitting huge numbers in the gym is awesome, more importantly the strength I have built allows me to simply do anything I want to do in my life and with my kids!”
North Grafton, Massachusetts

“I had been following Tony’s content for a couple of years and learned a lot from him! With having a goal to compete in powerlifting, I really grew an interest in wanting to work with Tony. I started out by purchasing one of his Hypertrophy programs and had incredible results. It was a 12 week program, and within the first 4 weeks, I knew I wanted to hire him as a an online coach. Once we started working together, Tony’s communication was fantastic. He was always able to answer my questions clearly. When I would send over videos of my lifts, he would give me great feedback on my technique that was easy to understand.
In just under a year, Tony helped get the strongest I have ever been with setting personal records with my deadlift (565 – 35 lb PR), bench (300 – 5 lb PR), and squat (440 – 45 lb PR). Not only that, he made my first powerlifting meet such a positive experience and I can’t wait to compete again.”
Boston, Massachusetts
“The knowledge, strength improvement, support, and community that Bonvec Strength has given to me over the years has been above and beyond. I’m proud of each little improvement that I’ve had over the years, including breaking into the 300s and working towards 400 on my deadlift, but most significantly I love how much I’ve improved my physical and mental resilience – with their support, I’ve gotten up from bad days, come out the other side stronger after injury, celebrated the good days, and being in my mid 30s I feel better than ever.”
Toronto, Ontario