Best of 2022: Blogs, Videos and Instagram

And just like that, our first full year is coming to a close at our brick-and-mortar Bonvec Strength facility. There’s been no shortage of excitement, from rebranding the business, to moving the gym, to having six lifters compete on the national stage. We have a lot to be proud of!

Today, we’ll round up the best content of the year based on views. Here are the top five from each category: blogs, videos and Instagram posts.


Straight Sets vs. Top Set/Backdowns

5 Reasons to Focus on Your Close Grip Bench Press

5 Reasons Why Your Bench Press Might Be Stalling

3 Exercises I Don’t Prescribe Heavy Anymore

3 Rules for Choosing Supplementary Exercises


Reverse Band Squat

Side Plank

Slingshot Bench Press

Head-Supported Trap Raise

Overhead Plate Raises


Med Ball RDL to Chest Pass

All About Deficit Deadlifts

My Favorite Exercise to Prevent Your Hips from Shooting Up When You Deadlift

Why Do We Start Our New Lifters with Goblet Squats?

3 Reasons to Lift with Chains

Cheers to 2023

Thanks for reading, watching, sharing and supporting Bonvec Strength in any way. I’m honored to get to put out content that helps people get stronger and become the best lifter they can be. Expect plenty more in the year to come.

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