gain weight

Nutrition Q&A: Tips for Athletes Trying to Gain Weight

This week we got a question on The Strength House Instagram asking for tips for athletes trying to gain weight to improve their sports performance. I talk about the importance of choosing calorically-dense foods and share some of my go-to high-calorie snacks. Check it out:

Here are the key takeaways:

  • Weight gain is a matter of calories in vs. calories out, so you MUST eat more calories than you burn if you want to gain weight.
  • Fat is the most calorically-dense macronutrient (9 calories per gram), so adding fat to your diet is a good place to start.
  • Switch to high-fat protein sources (chicken thighs, 80/20 ground beef, etc.).
  • Choose high-fat snacks like nuts, seeds and whole milk dairy.
  • Add liquid fats to your protein, veggies and smoothies (olive oil, coconut milk, etc.).

Got nutrition questions? Let me know and I may answer yours in a future video!

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