Pull-Up Tip: Do Partner-Assisted Pull-Ups

Band-assisted pull-ups are often touted as the go-to way to help people inch closer to an unassisted bodyweight pull-up. But there’s a better way: partner-assisted pull-ups.

You see, the problem with band-assisted pull-ups is that most people can START a pull-up, but then get stuck about halfway up – just as the band starts to go slack and stops helping. We want that assistance curve reversed: LESS help at the start of the rep and MORE help toward the top.

That’s where partner-assisted pull-ups come in. A coach or a training partner can hold your feet/ankles and help push you up as you start to stall, tailoring the amount of assistance based on how much help you need during each rep.

Band-assisted pull-ups and eccentric-only pull-ups are still fantastic tools for helping people get stronger. But if we objectively consider the biomechanics and leverages of a pull-up, partner-assisted makes the most sense.

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