safety squat bar

4 Reasons to Use the Safety Squat Bar

The Safety Squat Bar (SSB) is one of the most versatile tools you can use to get strong and build your legs. The fact that every gym doesn’t have one of these bars is mind blowing because it instantly makes squats more accessible and easier to learn for the majority of lifters.

Here are four reasons to use the SSB:

1. Easy to Learn

SSB squats closely resemble goblet squats because you hold the handles in front of your body. This makes them easy to learn in terms of balance, bar path and core bracing. 

As part of our strength standards at Bonvec Strength, we have our lifters learn to squat with the SSB after demonstrating competency with goblet squats and before moving to back squats. While SSB squats are usually harder pound-for-pound than back squats, they build the requisite core and upper back strength needed to be successful with back squats. We find that getting people strong and skilled with the SSB makes for a seamless transition to back squats.

2. Easy on the Shoulders and Elbows

Anyone who’s done years of heavy back squats can tell you that they beat up your shoulders and elbows. The SSB omits almost all upper body stress associated with back squatting while still smoking your lower body. This makes them a great option for injured lifters or people who simply want to do more squat volume with less upper body stress.

3. Tons of Variety

The SSB is good for more than just back squats. You can do front squats, good mornings, lunges, or just about any other lower body exercise that you’d do with a barbell on your back – all with limited upper body wear-and-tear.

In fact, I see almost no reason to use anything BUT the SSB for lower body accessory exercises that you’d normally load with a barbell. It’s way more comfortable and easier to set up.

4. Frees Up Your Hands to Do Other Things

…Like eat your intra-workout carbs.

In all seriousness, simply having the ability to go hands-free on Hatfield squats and their close relatives (split squats, reverse lunges, etc.) makes the SSB worth it. The Hatfield squat is unparalleled in terms of leg hypertrophy when it comes to free weights.

Stay Safe Out There

If you don’t train at a gym with a safety squat bar, find one! Or buy your own – it’s one of the best training investments you can make. We use both EliteFTS and Titan SSBs at Bonvec Strength and love them both.

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